Where is it where you wear a tshirt at anything above zero?Where is it where you see moose in your front yard? Where is it where you have a plug hanging out your car and you have to plug it in? Where is it where you see a a real bear at the library? Where is it where you can look out your window and have an amazing view of beautiful mountains? Where is it where you get to see Gods handiwork picture perfect? Where is it where it can go from 20 above to 20 below in just a few days? Where is it where you go days without seeing light or days with no darkness? Where is it where you have unlimited fishing and hunting? Where is it where you've seen Sarah Palin multiple times? Where is it where you have villages with lost people who need to hear the gospel? Where is it where you can drive 60 mph on pure ice? Where is it where you have to drive 8 hours to the next big town? Where is it where you get paid to live there? Where is it where you can play hockey outside at -20? Where is it where lower 48ers look at you funny when you say you're from here? Where is it where you live your life as normal at -50? Where is it where there are a million tourist every summer? Where is it where your only mall consist of a large hallway? Where is it where 70 is HOT? Where is it where you don't sleep in the summer because it’s too short to miss a minute of it? Where is it where it takes only a 15-minute drive to "get away from it all"? Where is it where you don't understand what's so exciting about seeing a moose wandering through the middle of town? Where is it where a snowmachine is something you ride, not something that makes snow? Where is it where you go to school, work, or both in the dark and come out in the dark? Where is it where you look up in the sky and see the northern lights and it still amazes you? Where is it where you can say you live in the biggest state in the US (even bigger than TX! AP)? Where is it where you go hiking in the pitch black. At midnight. For fun?!
And the list goes on. Yep, that's my home! Alaska! And I love it!!

To all my non Alaskan friends....come on up and see me!!!!!!! Come in the summer, that way you'll come again :) haha
P.S. I wouldn't recommend playing hockey at -20! Bad idea! Oh! Also, I honestly did see a bear at the library!! It was pretty cool and they wouldn't let us out of the building.
P.S.S. you get used to the cold :) for real
Tanna, reading this made me so-o-o homesick!!! Truly, there is no place on earth like Alaska!