Wednesday, November 28, 2012

grand, random, exciting times


Marco Polo, Me and Barrie....go blue! ;)


Friday Night RU class

one legged!! :)

Oh yes! 

Skyping my bro in China

MY crush! :)

Hunters Ed....that we passed!

Skyping with Barrie

Crazy McDonald's Time
Me and Nana
Me and Jordan
Rose and Lily!!
Bus 109

Bob Lee ;)

grand times!


Friday, November 23, 2012

I am a Champion

I will conquer what has never been conquered.  Defeat will not be in my creed.  I will believe where all those before me have doubted.  I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor and respect of my team.  I have trained my mind and now my body will follow!


I will acknowledge the fact that my opponent does not expect me to win, but I will never surrender.  Weakness will not be in my heart.  I will look to Christ, my teammates and others before me and I will draw strength from them.


I will gladly go into the field of battle for I am a specially selected and well trained warrior.  My faith and my hope will be the fuel to carry my body when my limbs are too weary.  I will never falter, I will never lose focus as long as there is hope in my mind and my heart still beats.  I will never give in to the evil that is weakness and I will fight that evil with my dying breath.  I will live with passion.


To my side I have my comrades, comrades that have been with me through thick and thin, through blood, through sweat, through tears.  Never will I let them down.  Never will I let them fall.  Never will I leave them behind.


No one will deny me.  No one will defy me.  No one will tell me who or what I can be.  Faith will change my world.  It’s moved continents, it’s moved countries, it’s put men on the moon and it will carry me through this battle.  Defeat and Retreat, those are not my words.  My words are Victory and Never surrender.  No matter how bad things go my faith will carry me.

I will press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  I will display the discipline and strength required to fight on to my goal and I will complete my mission.  I will go out knowing that I have given my all and brought glory to God.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

giving our best hours to Him

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:2 

God has entrusted us with the precious gift of time.  Twenty-four hours in every day; seven days in a week; every day significant, every hour important, every moment of value to God.  Yet how many of those moments are truly being used for His glory?  If we are honest, many of us would have to admit that though we profess Jesus Christ to be our highest priority, our lives proclaim something quite different.  

A Christian young woman recently confessed to me, “I spend more time on Facebook than I do in prayer or studying the Word of God.”  

That’s the sad reality most of us are living in.

It’s easy to think of our time, especially our free time, as belonging to us; that it’s our right to do whatever we feel like doing in those “down” moments of the day.  But when we come to Christ, we are to lay everything at His feet - including our time.  As Leonard Ravenhill said, “What does it mean to be a Christian?  Your life is hid with Christ.  You have no time of your own, no money of your own; Christ must become your complete Master.”

God has continued to challenge me with this statement - down to the very details of how I spend each moment of the day.  And I have discovered that when we lay everything at the feet of Jesus and find our deepest fulfillment, rest, peace, strength, and joy in His presence alone – not dulling our spiritual lives with worldly counterfeits – we are ushered into the supernatural, superhuman existence in which God designed us to live.  That’s when the presence of God draws near.  That’s when our prayers are heard and answered.  That’s when the life we read about in Scripture actually becomes our reality.

Most of us constantly battle with the fact that God is distant, intimacy with Christ is difficult to obtain, and our prayers don’t seem to be heard.  But God says, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” (Jer. 29:13).

Today’s young women aren’t finding Him because we aren’t searching for Him with all our hearts.  We are too preoccupied with checking our Facebook, watching reality shows, downloading the latest songs on iTunes, and obsessing over Hollywood’s newest production to let our entire beings be poured forth in constant and unreserved devotion in the service of the Lord who died to save us.

Most of us feel that we don’t have enough time for prayer and seeking God.  But we don’t even consider giving up our nightly TV time, our weekend movie fests, or our iTunes fetish in exchange for spending time in His presence.

Whether we spend our best hours socializing on Facebook, texting about trivialities, rushing to the latest Twilight movie, or vegging in front of the newest reality TV show - the majority of our time is being given to things that are not of eternal value; and often, things that are downright dangerous to our souls.  Most of us are far more influenced by pop culture than we are by the Word of God.  We can quote our favorite lines from 100 different chick flicks, but the only Scripture we know is John 3:16. 

It’s no wonder that Christ feels distant.

Only when we are willing to give Him the best hours of our day - rather than whatever is left after we’ve wasted most of our time on selfish pleasure - will we truly experience vibrant intimacy with our Heavenly King.

Just a thought! ;)

taken from "set apart girl"

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thank a Veteran

I would like to publicly  thank all the Veterans of the United States Military. 
Thank you for your sacrifice to our Country!  
Words cannot describe what you mean to me. 

What is a Veteran you may ask....
A "Veteran" - whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve - 
is someone who at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable
 to the United States of America, for an amount of "up to and including his life."

Please watch this video


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

i have been blessed!

It's not just a song, HE'S THE REASON I SING!

Shelli, Madelyn, Amy, Emily, Emilee and Tanna
Teen VBT 2012

THANK YOU to Lacey for the video =)