Thursday, October 11, 2012


When I think of DRAMA - I think of 12 year old little girls who are constantly changing friends, talking about nonsense, etc. Well, my definition of drama has taken a 180 twist....can you believe it?! Drama can happen with ADULTS too!!!! Shocker huh?! I recently read a devotional about drama that i'd like to share with y'all :).

The secret to living a quiet and peaceful life is not allowing our emotions to lead us; not to over-react when someone does something we don’t like. Rather, we are to deliberately choose to control our reactions and submit our emotions to the Spirit of God instead of our melodramatic feminine whims and feelings. Whenever the temptation to react emotionally arises, simply tell yourself, “No drama!” and choose the path of peace. Instead of pouting, sulking, lashing out, or ignoring someone who is irritating you, try praying for that person instead. Even better, say or do something kind to them. Proverbs 15:1 tells us that “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” One of the best ways to lead a tranquil life (rather than an emotional roller-coster ride of constant drama) is to follow this simple yet brilliant advice. It may take a bit of practice and a lot of supernatural grace, but it leads to a beautiful, peace-filled existence that brings glory to our King.

Ok, I have that off my mind! Have a fantastical day everybody!! 


  1. mmm brings back memories.... of not so long ago. thanks for sharing.
