Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Camp Sterling

If I could think of one word for the camp in Sterling it would be FANTABULOUS.

For the past 4 years we have taken a group of teens down to Sterling, Alaska for a teen camp. This camp is run by Resurrection Bay Baptist Church in Seward, Alaska. Teens and churches from all over Alaska come. I think that is one of the main reason I love this camp so much. It is neat when teens from the like faith, who want to serve God and who live in the same state all come together. It is very refreshing. Since our state is so big (the biggest I might add) and spread out we don’t ever all get together besides that one time a year. Fairbanks is the farthest from everyone so that makes it hard too.

 It is a dreadful 12 hour drive. When you’re in a bus full of stinky, annoying, weird teens it isn’t that fun. BUT, lucky me….I was *privileged* to ride down in an air conditioned, nice, comfy Tahoe with Bro. Dave, Lindsay and Liberty. Did I mention there was AC?! Oh, and Katya was with us too! J. I was able to sleep and sleep and sleep a little more! So nice! Liberty and I had some grand bonding time. I get along great with one year oldsJ. That totally boosted the week off. We had to leave at 6:30…in the morning! I don’t think it’s healthy to wake up that early and get in a car and drive. We did it anyway though.

I don’t even know where to begin. Once again we had the greatest cabin ever! Mrs. Davis rocks…enough said. We had all girls from BBC expect one. Campers anyway. Then we had Amber from RBBC and her little baby girl and we had Erica the last couple nights. OH – forgot to mention…..we had HEATERS in the cabins. AND electricity! Of course we didn’t need the heaters seeing how it was in the 80’s. But still! Ok, pardon the excitement but we don’t have all that modern stuff at Camp Victory. Fairbanks people are more….rustic J just kidding. We could actually PLUG stuff into the wall in Sterling!!! Technology these days.

So we had 4 teams this year. I was picked to be the captain of the green team. Each team had a boy and girl captain. Not sure how I got roped into that but anyway. We didn’t really do anything anyway…haha, it was pretty much just a title.

We have preacher boy and singing competition every year. BBC takes most of the 1st place medals homeJ. There are solos, duets, small group, ensembles and choir competitions. I was in one of the small groups (which we one 1st place in). It was awesome hearing everybody sing from their heart to God.

My favorite thing about this camp was definitely the preaching! If I had to rank it 1-10, I would give it a 1,000. It is very hard to put into words the Spirit of God that was there and very present. We had a wonderful time in the singing, the preaching and the fellowship of everyone. Bro. Scott Gray came up again this year. He is at the top of the list of my favorite preachers. You could definitely tell that God was there and moving in the hearts of just about everyone there. Most teens walked away from every service with a decision made for the Lord. Bro. Justyn and Rachel Smith came up also for this camp. I was SOOO glad they did! It was awesome getting to see them again! Unfortunately, they couldn’t come up for our camp so I was glad we got to see them the next week. He did a lot of the preaching as well. And of course our very own Bro. Dave preached as well. All three of them were amazing and God worked mightily through all of them and their messages.

As you probably get the picture by now, we had a ton of fun, made lots of memories and can’t wait for next year! I’ll add the pictures later since I don’t have them now J.

Oh and by the way...my birthday is in 5 days. Don't forget. Feel free to send me something!


  1. Number 4 and still trying to make them sound better than they above. And youre gonna find the last one first prolly which will be kinda lame but will still work. And if you got this one you know where the next one will be.
