Tuesday, August 20, 2013

stand still

Last week, Lacey and I went blueberry picking up the Ellliot highway. Whoah...there were a TON out there! But, they take forever to pick. It seems like hours till you can't see the bottom of the bucket anymore. And for the record - i'm not the berry picker who eats one and put one in the bucket :). I only had a handful - they are rather tart for my mouth.

So, as I was crouched in the tundra picking away at what seemed to be a great little bush to pick from, I would look at another place and think to myself  "wow, i should go over there a little ways and get those blueberries that look so big". Off I would go from what really was a good place and move a couple feet to a place that "looked" better. Once I got to that other place, I would realize that these blueberries are indeed big, but they are shriveled up already. Then i'd look back at where I JUST was and realized that that was a good place to be.

Ok, you may be thinking....where is she going with this?! As I was out there, this thought came to me. Sometimes in our life we'll be in a certain place or situation and think that we need to be somewhere else or with someone else or doing something else. Just like the berries, we will look over at maybe someone elses life and think 'I really want to be doing that'. Sometime God has us at a specific (btw, that is a killer hard word for my tongue to say) place for something that we have no clue as to why. We just need to trust him and be content at where God has us.

The Father has a plan, though it’s hard to see it now
You feel you’re walking all alone, but He is there, no doubt
When the storm around you rages and you’re tossed to and fro
When you’re faced with life’s decisions, not sure which way to go

Stand still and let God move
Standing still is hard to do
When you feel you have reached the end
He’ll make a way for you
Stand still and let God move

When the enemy surrounds you, and the walls are closing in
When the tide is swiftly rising and you wonder where He’s been?
Friend, there never was a moment that His arms weren’t reaching out
You can rest assured and be secure God is moving right now

Stand still and let God move
Standing still is hard to do
When you feel you have reached the end
He’ll make a way for you
Stand still and let God move

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