Thursday, September 13, 2012

Painting the town red!

Ok, so maybe it wasn't quite red. Green and black were much better anyways! So there is this huge rock thing out past North Pole that people go up and spray paint on. Well, Barrie and I decided to take a trip and go practice our gangsta graffiti (which btw we need LOTS of help with)! Also, I wouldn't recommend wearing flip flops if you ever decide to go out can get dangerous! I almost died just getting up there!

Ok...awesomeness right here! We got to the top of the rocks and I saw this written on the ground!! It said Hannah Banana!
 So I topped the H off  and made it a T (ssshhh, don't tell Hannah)! Is that cool or what?! I was pretty excited! :)
Love the fall colors

We found these initials written on the rocks...craziness 
Let it begin

Our finished project

giving it another coat

Done! Looks good eh?

Here is pretty much the entire rock

we are weird :/

We officially left our mark in Fairbanks! Muhahaha! 


  1. Talk about some crazy twists of fate! I love your whole thumbs-up-mouth-open is awesome! =)

  2. you mean you're weird. ;) just kidding. love ya..... bfffff
